Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day One

Today was my first official day of the healthier me.  I decided that I would cut waaaaaaay back on sugar and try to stick to whole foods only.  I know that with preparation and dedication I can do this.  I'm basically cutting out most carbs, bread, pasta, most rice and grains.  I will miss cereal the most, but this is temporary until I can kickstart my weight loss.  I also know that my body works best when I don't eat simple carbohydrates.  If I don't eat sugar, I don't crave sugar.  Now I will be having white rice on the rare occasion because there's no way I can give up sushi or Indian food.  Oh no way.  Yummmmmm.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

I also started back to the gym tonight.  I've been lucky enough that with the holiday madness and eating like a cow that I actually maintained the weight I lost before surgery.  No more loss, but no gain and I'll take that.  I worked out tonight for the first time since before surgery.  It wasn't too bad.  I did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and 15 minutes on the treadmill.  My back has been bothering me lately or I would have done more.  I need to make it a point to start seeing my chiropractor more.  I feel like overall I did well today.  I ate all whole foods and did work out.  I do crave sugar some right now, but I know that will get better over time.  I get my first fill on Monday and can't wait!!  I'm going to keep tracking my progress so that I can be accountable to not just me and I know that will help.  :)  2012, I am ready!!!


  1. You can do it! I know you can! Having this blog will help, too, cause then you can see a physical record of what you've done & how far you've come. Good girl!

  2. You can do it sista! I have full faith in you. It seems hard now, but once you start seeing the results you want, it's going to be so easy! Can't wait to work out together tomorrow for the first time in forEVER!
