Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Well, hello 2012!!

Ready, set....  GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must say, I don't think I've been this stoked about a new year in a long time.  Yes, I always love the promise of the new year and always hope for the best, but this year is just... different.  Different because I know that this year means big changes and NOTHING is getting in my way.  No resolutions for me.  Only things that I know I WILL accomplish.  Here's what I will do:

I WILL lose my weight.  All of it.
I WILL be more present in my life.  I WILL talk to the people I love more.  Not just facebook them or text them, but actually talk to them.
I WILL get debt free.
I WILL let go of self doubt and negativity.
I WILL work harder at work and make the best of it.
I WILL make better decisions, all around.

Today is my last day of my little mini break.  It's been nice.  It's very hard for me to unwind, but I did manage it.  Today I will be going to the grocery store, organizing crap I don't need in my room, cooking for the next couple days and making sure I am all ready for this new me.  Not to go into too much detail, but I am having some health issues and need to make some DR appointments today, too.  I want to nip this all in the bud as soon as possible!

With all this being said, I am going to post my official "BEFORE" pic.  That way I have something to reference every time I hit a milestone or just feel like I'm getting defeated.  I will be posting more and more too.  I'm going to stop using facebook so much.  Just going to take it off my phone so it doesn't waste so much time.  I want to post more and read more and be present more.  Thank you, lovely followers for your support!!

1 comment:

  1. Very proud of you! I'm here for you! You can do it!

